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How to Create a Pollinator-Friendly Garden: A Guide to Welcoming Bees, Butterflies, and More!

As a gardener, you have the power to make a difference for our planet’s precious pollinators! Pollinator populations are declining at an alarming rate, but by creating a pollinator-friendly garden, you can provide a haven for these vital creatures. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to create a garden that welcomes bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators.

Bumblebee covered in pollen on a sunflower.

Choose the Right Plants

  • Native wildflowers, herbs, and shrubs that provide nectar, pollen, and host plants for pollinators.
  • Plant regionally appropriate milkweed for monarch butterflies.
  • Plant sunflowers for bees and birds.
Oregano in the garden.
Honey bee on butterfly weed.
Swallowtail catterpillar on parsley leaves.
Swallowtail caterpillar on parsley stem.
Bee balm preparing to bloom.
Coral honeysuckle blooms.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Common Milkweed

Provide a Source of Water

  • Shallow dishes or birdbaths with fresh water.
  • Fountains or misters for moving water.
  • You can check out our blog post about Water Station Ideas for Pollinators HERE
Birdbath with solar fountain pump.

To order the Solar Fountain Pump shop Here
To order Birdbath shop HERE

Create a Safe Haven

  • Avoid using pesticides and herbicides.
  • Provide shelter with rocks, logs, or dead stems
Toad in terracotta pot home.
Bluebird house in corner of garden.

Consider the Layout

  • Plant in clusters to create a pollinator hub.
  • Incorporate a variety of heights and blooming times.
Wildflowers blooming in the pollinator patch.

By following these simple steps, you can create a pollinator-friendly garden that will attract these vital creatures and support their health and well-being. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a bright future for our pollinators!

Monarch on a Cosmos.

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